Hello, my name is Mike Hancock and I am a life long resident of Whitestown Indiana and descended
from the William Laughner family who came here from Greene County Tennessee and settled in the area
of Worth Township in 1849. This area would later become Whitestown in 1851.
Historical information about Whitestown exists in written form in a variety of different locations, but I've always hoped it might be possible to gather as much information together in one place and make it readily available to the citizens of this ever growing town, and that was the inspiration for this website. A digital format to showcase archived information, sort of an online museum of sorts. This site was created on 6/21/2017
Recognition shoud be given to Janice West who has spent many years collecting and saving historical information about Whitestown. Recognition should also be given to Mary Louise Laughner-Hancock and Lois Lindley who took the time to preserve and pass down information about the early days of the town.
from the William Laughner family who came here from Greene County Tennessee and settled in the area
of Worth Township in 1849. This area would later become Whitestown in 1851.
Historical information about Whitestown exists in written form in a variety of different locations, but I've always hoped it might be possible to gather as much information together in one place and make it readily available to the citizens of this ever growing town, and that was the inspiration for this website. A digital format to showcase archived information, sort of an online museum of sorts. This site was created on 6/21/2017
Recognition shoud be given to Janice West who has spent many years collecting and saving historical information about Whitestown. Recognition should also be given to Mary Louise Laughner-Hancock and Lois Lindley who took the time to preserve and pass down information about the early days of the town.